How do I log in to my DataMilk dashboard?
First you must have one of your team mates with access to the dashboard invite you, or have already signed up and registered an account yourself.
Go to
Sign in with your registered email address
What does your DataMilk Dashboard look like?
DataMilk Dashboard:
Domain name
- The domain displayed at the top of the page is the domain you’ve integrated with DataMilk.
- Do you have multiple sites across different countries? Integrate DataMilk on each of them and access their individual metrics from the same dashboard!
Add team member
Dashboard users can invite their team members to access the dashboard.
- Click the green plus sign icon
- Type in the email address of your team member, click send
- They will receive an email with a link to sign in instantly
Page Value Report:
Coming Soon to the DataMilk dashboard... Ask you Account Manager for details.
Smart components list page
- Click the ‘See Components’ link to view your Smart Components list
Example display of Smart Components List:
"Coming soon"
- All smart components are pre-launched to the ‘Coming soon’ status first
This is an opt-out system - ‘Coming soon’ status provides a 5-days grace period before the Smart Component is automatically launched live onto the site.
- This gives our customers enough time to preview the look and feel of the Smart Components and share any questions, feedback, or requests before launching live onto the site.
- Customers have ultimate control with the ability to block or start any Smart Component from the dashboard with a click of a button.
Already working
- These are all of the smart components actively available to be surfaced to users.
- Any active smart component can also be manually paused or unpaused at any time.
Launch Date
- The date the smart component launched or is expected to launch.
- DataMilk AI's view on component performance. Learn more about Performance Tags here.
Visits (last hour)
- Number of users DataMilk AI attempted to show the Smart Component to in the last hour.
Preview buttons (Mobile, Desktop)
- Customers always have the ability see what their mobile or desktop users would see by clicking the Preview button for any Smart Component.
KPI overview:
All KPIs in the dashboard are displayed in the summary table and paired with a chart. All 'Daily' charts display treatment (Smart) vs control (original) performance. All 'Cumulative' charts display the rolling average uplift performance for the defined optimization period of time.
Smart Components
Smart Components activated to optimize the store’s experience.
Current Smart Traffic Ratio
Percentage of visits set to be optimized with Smart Components.
Smart Visits
Count of visits optimized.
Cumulative Conversion Rate Uplift
Balance conversion rate uplift for smart visits compared to original visits.
Cumulative Revenue Uplift
Balanced revenue uplift for smart visits compared to original visits.
Cumulative Average Order Value (AOV)
Balanced Average Order Value (AOV) uplift for smart visits compared to original visits.
Cumulative Gross Profit Uplift
- Balanced gross profit uplift for smart visits compared to original visits. The metric requires gross profit provision for each transaction.
Cumulative Gross Profit Per Order Uplift
Balanced average gross profit uplift per order compared to original visits. The metric requires gross profit provision for each transaction.
Performance Statuses
- DataMilk is generating positive uplift for the given KPI with 95% statistical confidence.
- DataMilk is generating neutral uplift for the given KPI with 95% statistical confidence.
- DataMilk is generating negative uplift for the given KPI with 95% statistical confidence.
Not enough data
If confidence intervals are too wide, there is not enough data to conclude performance status with statistical confidence.
- Traffic volume is the primary determinant of the amount of time until the dashboard can state: ‘Neutral’, ‘Negative’, or ‘Positive’.
Chart time period aggregation
- Each chart can be viewed with different time period aggregations.