How does the artificial intelligence (AI) work? - The AI uses Attention Data gathered from users’ behavior on a site to learn and make decisions on how/when the user experience (UX) is optimized. The AI dynamically optimizes for the desired results for revenue and gross profit uplift.
Will it break the website? - If there is any error on the DataMilk side, your website will fall back to its current state.
Does my ecommerce store need to meet any specific requirements? - No, DataMilk can be integrated into any store. It takes 5 minutes to complete the integration at DataMilk.AI. You will get access to the DataMilk.AI dashboard and now you are all set. DataMilk sites work best with stores with over 500,000 visits / month.
Who needs DataMilk.AI? - Any ecommerce site who wants to provide their users with the best possible experience thus increasing conversion rate and profit.
What makes DataMilk unique? - DataMilk is the fastest way to achieve a better UX.
Latency and Load time? - There is negligible impact on Web Vitals while huge positive impact on user experience and site conversion rates.
Privacy: Cookies? What data do we store? - DataMilk does not store any private information about the users of your digital store and does not do cross-site tracking.
When is payment required? - Payment is not required until the end of the first 90 days.
How is performance measured? - We continually compare the performance of your digital store with DataMilk smart visits versus without DataMilk smart visits and show you the difference..
What is the definition of a smart visit? - A visit that has been statistically randomly selected to be optimized which DataMilk can show smart components.
How long does it take to see the first results? - We advise that your site needs 2 weeks and 500k sessions before DataMilk can statistically prove results.
What kinds of controls do I have over the optimization? - You can pause any smart component at any time.
Do you have a case study? - Yes, we have case studies across many industries. Request one from our team.
Is the data storage secure and will it not leak anywhere? - We use Google Cloud systems, and follow industry standard security practices to keep data secure.. Your data is protected by Google's most advanced security system. We also do not store your clients' personal data, as they are of no use to us. We use the same approach to work with all of our clients regardless of their size.
We are about to move domains, how can we test the new domain vs the old? - You can integrate the new domain with DataMilk.
How can I be sure that DataMilk optimization increased my conversion and not other actions that we take? - We always keep a portion of your traffic as an unoptimized control group to be able to determine the difference.
We are about to do manual optimization, can we compare our optimization success vs. DataMilk's? - Our optimizations run on top of your manual optimizations. You can continue to do the optimizations manually, however, it may take longer to get the results. We use complex algorithms to shorten the learning time.
Is there anything that we need to do to make sure that our CRO tests and DataMilk do not conflict with each other? - As long as we are not touching the same parts of the site there can be no conflict.
The changes we make are independent of the changes that the customer makes - and so the effect of the changes that a customer makes will be independently measured of the changes we are making.
I’ve implemented DataMilk.AI. What happens next? - DataMilk.AI will need some time to analyze your users’ behavior and find room for improvement. When the AI has trained enough, we will send you the list of Smart Components our AI builds.
What type of Data does DataMilk collect? - DataMilk collects similar data to your typical analytics service - user session related data such as what pages users are visiting, what elements they are clicking on, scroll related information as well as order ids and order values.
Can I use DataMilk with search solutions such as Algolia? - Absolutely, you should optimize your search while optimizing other parts of the journey as well. You should expect a sizable increase in conversion rate beyond the improvement generated by having a better search.
How do we gather information without cookies? - We save information on LocalStorage (with fallback to SessionStorage if the browser disables LocalStorage). The information is stored on the device only and doesn’t allow us to track the user across different devices or websites.
How is local storage different from a cookie? - Third party companies would add a tiny iFrame (like opening a page within the website) that points to a site they control, enabling them to track users across different websites. DataMilk does not track users across different sites. Local storage stays on the user’s device for that website only.
DataMilk only charges for optimized “visits,” what is that “visit” for us? Is it the same thing as “users” in Google Analytics? - A visit is the same as a session (we use the terms as synonyms). A visit is a sequence of actions on the website that are less than 30 minutes apart from each other. For instance, if the user starts shopping and spends two hours we count it as one visit as long as he/she doesn’t stop clicking for more than 30 minutes. If the user just enters the page and leaves it immediately it is also counted as one visit. 30 minutes of inactivity is what defines when the session will finish. This is similar to what Google does except there they also expire the sessions at midnight (to make it easier to aggregate by day). DataMilk only uses the 30 minute inactivity part because it is simpler and more fair.
What metrics should I care about when optimizing my website or app? - We recommend looking at the following main metrics:
Visits (new and returning)
Conversion rate
Revenue uplift
Average order value
Gross profit uplift
Average gross profit margin
Can we add more languages to smart components upon request? - Yes.
How does DataMilk show summary performance info per component? DataMilk.AI monitors user behavior and dynamically decides when each component is displayed for the best results. DataMilk monitors detailed data for each component and the component’s statistical effect on the overall results. The effect is labeled as good, learning, or auto paused and is displayed in the dashboard for each component. If a component is not driving results, it will be auto paused by the system.
What exactly happens in 5 min? Is it whole integration or just a part of the suite? - 5 minutes is approximately how long it takes most customers to add the two lines of code that will fully integrate DataMilk into their store.